Provide proper raw materials from approved suppliers.
Our activities
Vipro’s activities focus on the industry of commercial livestock production. The company sells the main raw materials (feed, proteins and hygiene products) to aquaculture, poultry, swine and cattle farmers.
Our Vision
To serve our customers excellent quality of raw materials, in order to produce high value and innovative products at the lowest possible cost.
What we Offer
VLVIPRO is a stable organization offering a wide product range. A team of qualified animal nutitionists is available to provide meticulous customer advices and ensure the quality of our feed range.
A major principle remains the need to observe and analyze national and international markets respectively, in order to provide to our clients the best product feed to fit its farm needs. A healthy and innovative feed is truly a benefit for farmers to increase their livestock potential.
Healthy and Innovative Feed
VL VIPRO aims to be a leading figure among businesses dealing with commercial livestock production, by developing a nutritious and safe product feed range for any potential client.
Our clients worldwide